Wednesday, November 30, 2011

is this a pro-hormone?? 3-beta-hydroxyetioallocholan-5-ene-17-one 100mg 1,4,6-etioallocholan-dione 4mg Zin?

3-beta-hydroxyetioallocholan-5... 100mg 1,4,6-etioallocholan-dione 4mg Zinis this a pro-hormone?? 3-beta-hydroxyetioallocholan-5-ene-17-one 100mg 1,4,6-etioallocholan-dione 4mg Zin?
As I recall i.e. a component of Methyl-1-D, a bodybuilding supplement. Bodybuilding science has an indepth explaination of it at
Hope this help.
check out this link

1 comment:

  1. Prohormone is very famous in the market for increase the blood cells and gives you good body. From my opinion you can try it at once and you get good results.

