Hello Linda,
To be honest, I am stumped.
I went out to WorldCat (voluntary holdings of libraries worldwide)
and could find nought with this turn out statement:
(nurses OR nurse OR nurse) AND ("urgent care" OR "primary care")...limiting the search to journal only
WorldCat is free (in a somewhat clunky incomplete format on the Internet, I used the more complete [subscription base ]format at our library.
I also searched CINAHL (fee/subscription base index) (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature)...
and while I found some relevant articles, the articles were sprinkled across a variety of nursing journal.
So, I am hoping that someone who works more closer with this type of literature steps surrounded by to help.
There is also the (small?) possibility that a have need of for this type of journal exists, but not a soul has stepped up to the plate nonetheless!
In the meantime, it might be worthwhile, if you are able to, to take to a medical or nursing college and search the literature from time to time for pertinent articles.but I realize you are busy..and it would be easier said than done to get to a library for a partially hour or hour from time to time.
Again, hopng someone with more expertise than I jump in.
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